I will admit it, I was obsessed with social media. Completely and utterly hooked. I had made attempts to 'cut back' before but it never really worked. I said to myself so many times that I would limit the amount of time spent on it but I'm just not strong willed enough.
Not that long ago I realised that not only was Facebook (and instagram) pissing me off, it was also bringing me far more sadness than happiness. Yes it was great to connect with friends and family but I can do that via email, texting, PHONE CALLS, or whatsapp!
So here is what I have learnt in just 2 weeks.
1. I am way more productive.
This is the biggest thing for me. I used to think I wasn't that bad. But I really was. The mornings seem less stressful, the evenings I spend working I am getting things done far quicker and during the day I am getting. shit. done.
2. Going completely cold turkey was the way to go.
Deleting the app off my phone means I can't just have a little peek. I have to log on for work but only on my laptop, and I have found myself getting frustrated when I log in and see my top news feed topic and it makes me even more sure I have done the right thing. I go straight to my work page or school page and stay on that until I am finished, and come straight off. I have kept messenger on my phone as it means I can still stay in contact with important group chats.
3. It is purely an ego boosting platform.
I would say 90% of what people share and yes,what I used to share too, was purely to show off. I didn't think about it that much whilst I was on Facebook but now I am not on it, and I think about something that has happened that I would have normally shared I realise it has little interest for anyone else and actually it is purely for boasting about.
4. The pressure of life has gone.
That sounds massively extreme. But no more feeling guilty that I haven't donated to Joe Blogg's half marathon charity or that I haven't sent a birthday message to someone I barely know or I haven't responded to an event that is happening in 2 weeks time that has little interest to me. No slapping me in the face with petition after petition. And breathe a sigh of relief.
5. No one is reading this blog.
This is quite an amusing one. I wasn't surprised that since quitting Facebook my blog stats went hugely down. Before, whenever I blogged, I shared the link with everyone. Now that isn't happening, I have lost the ability to shamelessly self promote but thats okay. I am fine with that.
I guess the big lesson for me is that it is totally okay to lead a private life and it is okay to not share every little detail with the world. You can make decisions without consulting 300 'friends' and you can lead a life that not everyone has to know about. And I really quite like it. Although I do REALLY miss instagram.
No pictures from me this week as I have been so busy with work I haven't had a chance to grab the camera at home. Promise I will bombard you next week to make up for it.
Char x
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