Wednesday, 7 October 2015

20 facts!

I totally stole this idea from my sister in law over at Life with Mrs Lee. I do love reading facts about other people as I'm just so super nosey! 

20 facts about me that you may or may not know. How exciting for you...

1. My least favourite colour is pink. I don't mind it on Elsie, my daughter, but I don't own a single piece of clothing that is pink.

2. I used to think Joe, my husband, was a bit of a loser when we were teenagers.

3. I love trashy TV. Anything that makes me feel like my life is half normal is a winner for me.

4. I hate bananas. The taste, the smell, the feel of it, everything. Dis.gus.ting.

5. I am a photographer. And I still find it weird to call myself that.

6. I am starting the process of becoming a midwife. I have wanted to do it since I had Harvey and it has always been in the back of my mind since, I feel like now is so the right time to get the ball rolling and I am so scared and so so excited!

7. I love shopping. To the point its actually stupid now. But I just love it. If i was given 10 million pounds I would have no problem spending it in a day.

8. I don't have a favourite film.

9. I love gin.

10. I thrive on humour, sarcasm and wit. British humour is just the best and I won't hear any different.

11. I have eczema and have had it since I was a child. It comes and goes but flares up when I'm stressed or tired. So thats pretty much constantly!! The weather change affects my skin too and I could put on moisturiser 5 times a day and you wouldn't notice. I hate it and feel hugely self conscious about it.

12. Silver linings and all that, I rarely get spots. I couldn't tell you the last time I had one and I never had them as a teenager either.

13. I used to think I had a great memory but ever since having children I have in actual fact realised I am hugely unorganised and forget pretty much everything.

14. I dream of building our own home one day and have done since I was small. I used to draw designs in my note pad, even down to where my sofas would go. The idea that always stuck is still the same concept I would have now.

15. I get bored easily and i'm always thinking of new ideas and ways to get through each day. Be it a change in diet or career. I do wonder when the Husband will put his foot down and demand a stop to it all.

16. I really really want to bit fit and healthy but I love sweets too much and I have no time to exercise anymore. I will forever have my mum tum and scoff unhealthy treats every day at 7pm.

17. I have never taken drugs ever and I have no desire to before I die either.

18. I absolutely hate opening presents in front of people and I hate watching other people do it, its so uncomfortable and makes me cringe so bad.

19. I really really want a puppy.

20. I'm an atheist.

That was harder than I thought! 

If you are reading this and have a blog, share your facts and let me know so I can nose! Heck, I don't actually know why I am writing that seeing as no one reads this and the only people that do don't have blogs.


Char x

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