I bloody love a new year. I'm aaall about the planning, the goals, the resolutions and most of all - the new. I literally strive for a goal and a plan. I also love this time of year for reflection too. Looking back on our photos of 2015 made me realise not only that the children have blossomed and grown so much this year, but that I have learnt so much over the months as well.
- I have learnt that by putting on a face of make up and enjoying what I wear does make me feel good. And no, I am not ashamed. Yes, I do think we should unite as women and not have to do these things but if it makes you feel good, then why not? I am all for going for whatever makes you happy.
- I have learnt that social media is the route of all evil. I don't think I need to elaborate on this! It has so many pros, but the cons far out way it for me and I am a happier person for not being on it so much. I dare you to try it too!
- I have learnt to accept the difference in people. I will wholeheartedly admit that I really used to struggle with other peoples opinions that were completely different to mine. I guess this is an age thing too, lets face it I am still 12 (so many of my friends like to tell me.) but it really has dawned on me this year how much I am just letting go when a year or so ago it would bother me a lot.
- I have learnt that you can't false creativity. This year has been an odd one for me in terms of creativeness. Especially when it comes to my photography. When looking back at my photos of this year it really stood out to me how uncreative they were. There was nothing I had gone out of my way to create and that really does reflect my mood of the year, I wasn't in a great place for the most part of 2015 and as much as I said to myself I would get some real crackers, I just didn't. You can't pretend to be creative, it has to be from within and I know that is massively cliché but it is so true. 2016 i'm going to vomit creative all over you.
The consensus is that I think I have grown the fuck up. Thank you 2015.
Char x